A conversation with the co-founders of The Cosmos, a community for Asian American women.
by Kylie Adair
Cassandra Lam and Karen Mok have tapped into something—a pressing, growing and profound need for spaces where Asian women can connect with one another. They’re the founders of The Cosmos, a digital and physical meeting space for Asian women to explore and unpack what it means move through the world with all the facets of their identities.
The Cosmos began as a retreat with 20 women, expanded into chapters in four American cities and now, in 2019, is expanding into seven more cities, developing plans for a permanent physical meeting space in New York, and hosting a summit where hundreds of Asian women will gather to celebrate, connect and contemplate the big question: What does it mean for Asian women to flourish and thrive?
Kylie Adair is the editorial director at kaur. space. She has a bachelor’s degree in journalism and human rights and a miniature schnauzer named Dot.